Prolonged wearing of face masks bad for your health?

I have heard some people say and have read some media messages circulating, strongly implicating the adverse effects of wearing face masks for long periods of time. The message that was widely spread was that wearing nose masks for prolonged periods is dangerous. But is it? Well, generally it’s totally NO! Here is why. 1. […]

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COVID-19: Ghana approves first herbal medicine for clinical trials

The Kwame Nkrumah Univeristy of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana, has been given the greenlight to undertake COVID-19 clinical trials using Cryptolepis sanguinolenta locally known as Nibima. The approval was given under the auspices of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), and the National Medicine Regulatory Authority (NMRA) after a team of researchers from […]

Read More COVID-19: Ghana approves first herbal medicine for clinical trials